More than 200% funded! Thank you.
FOR BACKERS if you are looking for info, we have sent out a survey via Kickstarter which you fill in to tell us your sizes and we have already started production and we’ll be available around Christmas / early in the New Year.
If you've lost the email then you can log in to your Kickstarter account and the survey will be along the top in red.
If you missed out, fear not
We've had a whole load of you wonderful people who wanted to grab an early pair, but didn't, so we will be opening up a preorder process really soon and you can secure yours once the Kickstarter order drops.
Stick your email into the bottom of the site and we'll let you know when we go live, which will be early December.
When we started out on this journey we selected Kickstarter as it gave us a great preorder process and to see there are so many of you willing to give a new company a leg-up is pretty awesome. And we cannot wait to bring the product online and start.
But for one final time we really appreciate all the help and support we have had from friends, family, influential internet types and even a few media organisations.
Generally the traditional media will not cover Kickstarter projects, particularly those from new companies, so it was amazing to see Adrian Clark in the Sunday Telegraph say that our sneakers were “some of the most comfortable I have ever worn”.
It’s all true obviously. But being the internet one person did suggest we’d paid him off. And er no, just to clarify that point, we aren’t at the bribing stage just yet.